Since this is a family blog, Tanner has asked if he can have his own space to share things with his family and friends. So he will be putting up a new post once a week letting you know what's going on in his life.
For his first post, we would like to show you what he got this past week!
YES!!! Tanner got glasses (two different pairs), and now he can see. Doesn't he look so handsome and smart? He was always smart and handsome before though.
He would like to tell you about it now.
Well first of all,I am happy that I got glasses.The only thing I don't like is that at school, I usually play four square and I've noticed that when I'm in line,the king always go's to one of the players
whispers in their ear.I think they're making rumors about me. :(
At school,I'm learning about weather.I've learned about cold and warm fronts,low and high pressure,and even how a tornado is made.It is very exciting! Thank you Mr.Eagar!
Yesterday,I got to go see a movie in the gym at school. We have homework club and I did all my homework,got to school on time,and didn't go to the principles office.
That was my week! Hope you enjoyed it!